Our 2025 Home Tour is over. Thank you to all who participated!
Thank you to the businesses and markets that helped us with ticket sales:
- Barlovento Restaurant
- Chicxulub Crater Market
- Crocodiles Farmers & Artisans Market
- Natural Thangs Farmers Market

About the Progreso Home Tour
The Progreso Home Tour is your chance to tour several interesting homes located in Progreso and Chicxulub. You’ll see how residents have renovated old homes, added unique decor, and created beautiful gardens near the beach. Advance tickets are required.
The Progreso Home Tour is the annual fundraiser for the non-profit Progreso Apoyo Program A.C., a registered Mexican AsociaciĆ³n Civil that helps provide Progreso-area children the essential things they need to stay in school. 100% of the funds received from our Sponsors go directly to support our students. The money raised through our annual Home Tour, Raffle and Online Auction, enable us to operate our organization and fund special projects. For more information about our organization, visit progresoapoyoprogram.org or Email info@progresoapoyo.org.
Day of Event Information
Once again, this year we will ask everyone to arrive at Crocodiles at different times to check in for the Home Tour and to follow a specific route to visit the homes. When you purchased your tickets, you selected a Start Time (9:00AM, 9:30AM or 10:00AM) subject to availability. Please come at the time on your tickets!

At the time of registration on the day of the event, you will be provided with a Home Tour map listing the homes in order. We request that you please follow your designated route map so that we can reduce the number of people inside each home at one time. Please note that you may be asked to wait outside a particular home for a few minutes until some visitors have left.
When you buy your tickets, you will be ask to check a box on the stub telling us if you intend to use our Taxi service. We want to make sure to have enough taxis available for all who want to use them. Taxi tickets will be on sale at the event for $60MX per person.